
A Little Dose of Putting Things into Perspective .. **

My dad sent me a text message last night and it was about the military and those fighting for our freedom and the sacrifices they make on a daily basis. I have decided to share it with you all, because it really puts things into perspective and I think that we could all use a dose of that from time to time.

You stay up for 16 hours.
We stay up for days on end.

You take a warm shower to help you wake up.
We go weeks without running water.

You complain of a headache and call in sick.
We get shot at, as others are hit and we keep moving forward.

You talk about your buddies that are not with you.
We know that we may never see any of ours ever again.

You complain about how hot it is.
We wear our heavy gear, not daring to take off our helmet to wipe our forehead.

You get mad at the waiter for getting your order wrong.
We do not get to eat today.

You are mad that your class got held over for 5 minutes.
We are told that we will be held over an extra 2 months.

You roll your eyes when a baby cries.
We get a letter with pictures of our new baby and wonder if we will ever meet.

Just when you think your day can't get any worse, take a moment to think of those that are giving the ultimate sacrifice. Don't JUST think about them, think about their wives, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, and friends that they haven't seen in several months. It is just as hard for the loved ones at home to not know what is going on all the time.

The bottom line, you don't have to support the war. If you don't that is your right, as my dad says, "We go to overseas to protect your home and GIVE you the ability to not agree with what we are doing. That is our option.". It's perfect.

But if you don't support the war at least support the men and women who are giving you the option to do so. And their families, because it is just as hard on them as it is on the one's that are away.


me .. moving .. again .. ugh .. yes .

I was born and raised Roman Catholic, I was baptized at 3 weeks and attended church every Sunday morning the entire time I lived at home. (I still try to attend when I can .. don't judge me). My parents raised me the "right" way, no staying the night at boyfriends, etc.. I moved out of my parents house a couple months after I met Jason, then we stayed together from time to time. I have ALWAYS been against living together before marriage, because statistically it "never" works. People live together and either can't stand it or never get married, neither of which I want to happen to me.
However I have moved 5 times in the past 2 years, this past January 28th (my dads 47th birthday) I moved into a house with my 2nd cousin (or something like that) and her house was up for sale, but I was desperate. While I was on spring break, the house sold. So I have until April 23rd to have everything out of the house.
When I first found out, Jason said, " Well Kaiti, you are just going to have to move in with me."
I responded with, "I don't know Jason, you know our parents will freak out"
"Well Kaiti, what other option do you have?"
"I don't know? I could move home."
Well my parents moved to a new house recently and because I was moved out they turned the extra bedroom in the basement in to an amazing den with, huge book shelfs and a desk. They use the closet in that room as storage for games and movies. My sister has a twin bed and a closet packed with clothes, shoes and bags (typical girl) and my brother is the same way, I honestly think he has just as much as me and Alex. When I called home to ask my parents, Jack was so excited, he said, "Kaiti, I just pushed all my clothes in the closet all the way over, we can MAKE your clothes fit in here. We can take down my Randy Moss and Tom Brady posters and put your dresser next to mine. You can sleep in my bed, I mean, I sleep on the couch most of the time anyway." I started crying, (because I'm ultra annoyingly emotional) honestly how much sweeter could this 12 year old kid be? Then my sister chimed in, "NO! KAITLIN WE COULD GET BUNK BEDS!" In the background I could here my parents sighing. One of the reasons I moved out of my parents house, was because my mom and I argued so much. I just wanted my freedom and they didn't want to just give it to me.
So, I decided that we could try this whole living together thing, and then Jason started getting nervous, we are honestly ridiculous.
Anyway, after several discussions, prayers and days/weeks of thinking about all the consequences we have decided to give it a try. He has a 1 bedroom right now and his lease is up in July, so we will get a 2 bedroom then. We have way too much stuff for this little place. We are trying to make it all fit for now and what doesn't I am taking out to my parents to put in the attic for now.
My parents are by NO means thrilled about the current situation, but they support whatever decisions I make and I think they really don't want me to come back. Alex will be gone in July for IU and they will just have Jack left, (the super easy kid).
What are your thoughts, feelings and opinions on living together before marriage?