I found this idea through a Google link and it is to list some tweets that I have marked as favorites and explain why I chose them. I loved this idea because I don't “favorite” tweets often, only the ones that really stand out to me.
"Always give without remembering, and always receive without forgetting." ~ Brian Tracy
I honestly believe that this is a great way to live life. Never try to keep score of what you do for others and what you get in return.
“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it'll annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” ~ Unknown
Being a waitress can be extremely trying at times and I always try to think about this. Kill them with kindness!
“The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” ~ Theodore M. Hesburgh
My dad was the best at doing this. My parents hardly ever show affection to one another in front of us but they love each other through everything, even the really bad times.
“Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” ~ Unknown
When I got a new job this past fall my boss said, leave your troubles on the trouble tree. Everyone has his or her own problems and no one cares about yours.
Which I like to think is different in the blogging world. I try not to complain often in my blog but sometimes we just need to vent and the readers have the option to not read/listen to our problems.
“Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.” ~ Unknown
This is a rule to live by. It could not be truer.
It is hard to do but totally worth it.
“There are two rules for living in harmony.
#1) Don’t sweat the small stuff
#2) It’s all small stuff.”
~Wayne Dyer
We learned about this in my stress and wellness class this semester and it’s so true. Again it’s not always easy to follow but very beneficial to loving your life.
“In the alphabet "o" stands for opportunity, which is absent in 'yesterday', available once in 'Today' and thrice in 'Tomorrow'. Be positive!” ~ Unknown
Love, love, love this.
I hope you enjoy the quotes as much as I do.
Gives us something to think about.
Those are lovely.
I like the one your boss said about leaving problems on the worry tree ... quite a visual.
I like the Internet, and especially some places on the Internet where the opposite can be true. And there are many people who have found this space to be the best one to sort their stuff through, whether people read it or not. That, in and of itself, is fantastic.
Really great post girl, and I loved your commentary on each quote. And I can definitely relate to you on anything waitress related. Have you seen the movie "Waiting?" It's hilarious, but pretty raunchy. Anyway, after working in the service industry, you'll always have a special place in your heart for other waiters and waitresses, etc. I'm SUPER fun to go out to eat with (read: super ANAL - telling people how to order and how not to piss the waitstaff off, stacking up my plates, etc.) Lol!!
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