** .. coming back ?! .. **
I have been incredibly busy with summer classes and have not had much time for the blogging world. Which makes me very sad because I was doing very good, blogging everyday and then I just quit. I hope to get back into the swing of things soon. For now I just wanted to say hello! Drop a comment and let me know how you all are doing, I miss you!

**.. renovation ..**
As you can tell my blog is all kinds of messed up right now. I really want to blog about our trip to Chicago and our ENGAGEMENT! However this is driving me crazy and it needs to be taken care of quickly. Sorry for the inconvenience hopefully it will be fixed soon!
**.. Is That a Lot? ..**
My dad wrote this about a year ago and it really meant a lot to me. So, I wanted to share it with you.
Is That a Lot?
By Anthony Johnston
After a lifetime of learning, from kindergarten to college, boot camp to 14 overseas military deployments including three tours in Iraq, I should not have been surprised to be reminded that not all learning - or teaching - is done in a classroom.
I drove down the road with my son, listening to the news and talking about life. Of course the 'surge' in Afghanistan has received a lot of coverage, and arm-chair quarterbacks debated our two wars. A little later on in the newscast they talked about death tolls, the decline in Iraq and the increase that was anticipated for Afghanistan. That was when my 12 year old son Jack got serious.
He asked about the people that had died in Iraq and Afghanistan. He asked about the ones that I had known personally, and then he added them up. I knew it was 4380 killed in Iraq and guessed around 1000 (at the time) killed in Afghanistan and he came up with 5380 dead Americans.
Then he hit me with a question I may never be able to competently answer.
He said, "Dad, is that a lot?"
It took me a moment to recover enough to fumble for something that would pass as an answer. The next few minutes are still a little hazy to me. But in the meantime several thoughts bounced around in my mind.
I remembered that about 20,000 US service members were killed in a couple months in the Battle of the Bulge, and that we lost an average of 600 Americans every single day in the Civil War, I also thought about the 400,000 that gave their lives in the World War Two - 1450 of them on D-Day alone. I thought about the nearly 3000 killed in the Chosin Reservoir in two weeks during the coldest Korean winter on record back 1950, and the 52,000 men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam.
But before you think me a hawk, or try to guess where I'm going with this, let me say that I've held onto the hand of a young Marine, as heroic medics and doctors fought in vain to save his life. I looked at his 19 year old face and wondered who he was, and what he could have become? These days I speak regularly with his family and I know as much about him as I know about my own nephew who served with me there. I know that he had a girlfriend and that he wanted to be a chef, together they wanted to start a family and open a restaurant. I know that his mother was a Native American and that had great influence on his life, and his culinary skills, and that she had recently died. I realize-as much as a stranger can-that he had so much to offer and that the hole left where his life once was will never be filled.
I've seen the faces of dead young men while working in the hospital in Iraq, and they all stay with me every day, (and more nights than I'd care to think about.) I remember, as I documented and packed the belongings of one young man, wondering where his dad would be when he got the news? I thought about his reaction later when his sons' personal effects arrived at their home? I envisioned his dad viciously tearing apart the package that we had carefully prepared looking for that picture of the two of them at the lake, or the Saint Christopher medal that I had folded into a sheet of paper that contained my feeble words of sympathy and my dried tears.
I've also witnessed firsthand the carnage of the innocents caught between the forces of good and evil. I've seen entire Iraqi families killed by insurgents, their penalty for believing that we could help them to live free. I worked with a young girl who was the lone survivor of another attempted family execution and still to this day think of the mental anguish and physical pain she lives with- if she is still alive?
I've also seen the physical and emotional aftermath of combat in the faces of some young men and women I've met during my own 18 month treatment at the VA. Our arguing only serves to further isolate them from what they most desperately need - the support of the American people.
I believe that despite all the rhetoric, we are fighting for freedom for the Iraqi and Afghan people and the suppression of those thoroughly committed to terrorize us. There isn't much middle ground in the War on Terrorism. When our enemies are committed to our annihilation as a Nation there isn't much room for discussion.
Civil War General William T Sherman supposedly coined the phrase "War is Hell." He is also credited with "War is cruel and you cannot refine it" and "War at best is barbarism." I say he was an optimist. I believe that for each "Nuke 'em till they glow" there is an opposing "Make peace, not war" and in the end, like almost every other subject ever debated, the truth or the solution probably falls somewhere in between?
I have a great friend and mentor who is a doctor, we both root for Notre Dame, we both enjoy a good cigar and we have had occasion to sit down over a cold beer and talk about life. But we are polar opposites on many things like war and politics. We have had great exchanges over the years, we respect each other's opinions and in the end, we always walk away friends. Why we can't, as a Nation, do the same is beyond me.
But for now, we are where we are and the lack of sacrifice in these current wars - at least for the great majority of our Nation, contributes in my humble opinion, to the disconnect between both sides.
So as much as I believe in what we are doing, I also understand and appreciate those who disagree. For I have seen firsthand what war can do to your soul.
I awkwardly tried to put all these emotions into words; I tried to explain to my son that if he, or one of his sisters, were one of those 5,380 lost lives that I just can't imagine that sacrifice. I stumbled around the conversation awhile longer. I talked about the historical references a little more and the personal losses I've witnessed and finally just decided to drop it. I thought that maybe when he was older he may be more prepared to try to understand what cannot be understood.
Then he asked what I would do if it was him? I told him I didn't want to talk about it anymore.
And I pray to God each day that we never have to know the answer to the last question.
"5,380 lost lives….yes Jack, that is a lot."
**.. frustrated ..**
There have been some times recently when I really neeeded the blogging world to lean on. Whether it was my parents trip to San Antonio, the vote NO campaign, just some advice, a day that's really difficult for me or some blog lovin.
I think I blog sometimes for the wrong reason, just to fill space or something to occupy my time and keep me from studying. Then there are the times, mentioned before, when I could really use some help and I feel like no one is there.
What am I doing wrong ?!
I try not to complain too much, I try to keep things light and fun to read with pictures and funny quotes, etc...
Any advice or is this another post that will go unread ?!
I know that it shouldn't matter but who doesn't love to read a nice comment ?! To know that they are talking to someone other than themselves !?
**.. VOTE NO ..**
My dad discovered that there was some bill passed that is going to cut or take away the benefits for Children of Disabled American Veterans. This is something that helps pay college tuition for kids of Disabled Veterans. My sister and I will not be affected by this however my brother is quite a bit younger than us and it will most likely affect him.
PLEASE vote NO here for the Jack Johnston (by the way I got some love for this post about my brother, you should definately read it, I think I might just copy and paste it bellow too) goes to college with military benefits fund. Military people, wives, husbands, kids, grandparents, family friends, etc ... please vote because this could some day affect you and your children as well. You can also join the facebook group here.
Here is the post for my brother .. It looks long but a lot of it is pictures :)
Jack Johnston **
I have not been blogging much lately, because I have been exceptionally busy && I don't always know what to say to keep people interested. So, I have finally decided to blog a little bit about my brother .. hopefully you will learn to enjoy him as much as I do :)
Jack is 11 years old and he was born when I was 9 & 1/2. Growing up I was a very responsible young lady and my parents trusted me to watch their two children, when they went out for dinner or to run short errands, etc .. At the time Alexandria (I will blog about her some other time) was 6 & 1/2 and Jack was a newborn.
Jack && me at Bandido's !
I think that since he and I are so far apart in age, that he was more of a son to me (not literally, but we never argued or anything like that && my parents were always around. I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about this.) I was always there to help, whether it was to feed him, change diapers or put him to bed. I loved helping out!
My dad is in the Air National Guard and when he would go on trips I would help my mom out by getting Jack to and from practices and games, when she had to work. Since he started playing sports, I could probably count on two hands the games that I have missed .. and this includes the past year and a half when I have lived across town. I drive 20 minutes at least twice a week to cheer him on.
During the spring && summer he plays baseball. He currently bats 4thin line up .. which is awesome .. but he is also in a batting slump .. so I don't know how he is keeping his position! He is a great catcher, he isn't so into pitching, but they need him to .. so we try to get him more into it .. it is an insane amount of pressure on a young man though .. all those people saying, "Common Jack, just relax." or "Jack just throw strikes." Have you ever tried to 'just throw strikes'? Let me tell you .. not as easy as it looks. But he is getting better! And when he is not pitching or catching, he plays short stop.
This picture is from last year, but you get point !
Last summer Jack && I went to Cedar Point for the day. We got up on an overcast Tuesday morning at 7 and made the 3 hour drive. PERFECT day ! It only sprinkled once around lunch time, so we went out to the car to eat the lunches that we had packed. I was exhausted, so he sat there while I took a 20 minute power nap, because I had to drive us home that night, and it was sprinkling so we couldn't ride rides anyways. THen we went back and we rode EVERY roller coaster that we wanted to, with minimal waits! It was quite possibly one of the best days ever :)
Jack && me on a roller coaster .. they wound up stopping the
ride && walking over to tell me I couldn't have my camera out :/
Totally worth it though !
This was the line for the Millenium Force aka NO LINE ! It was so crazy !
In the fall Jack plays football, FINALLY ! I have been waiting since the day he was born for him to play football ! I love it so much ! Last year he was in 5th grade && played quarter back for the 6th grade team ! Very exciting ! He also played other positions && played both offense && defense, since it is such a young team, they are trying to figure out what everyone is good at. I think he enjoys football so much, because he never had anyone to rough house with && now he does.
Jack is number 7 with the white cleats .
Such a bad ass !
And finally, in the winter Jack plays basketball. He usually plays in the forward position, but has been known to play both center and guard as well. I think he really likes basketball the best, but I really hope he keeps up with the other two .. (I like them the most!)
Robert (11), Jack (12), Jonathon, cousin, (21), Seth, best friend (24)
I also took him snowboarding last year .. but somehow all of those pictures have disappeared except for one .. and it's not even of him boarding :( But he really liked that too ! We went down the black diamond at this particular park (which is in Ohio, so it is really just a big hill), but we went down that on our 4th trip down maybe, and he wiped out and took out a caution sign .. he was fine .. so it is now okay to laugh .. but I was afraid for my life!
Warming up by the fire :)
Finally, like a good sister, I like to show Jack, what not to do .. My boyfriend, Jason and his former roommates work with my dad .. so for one of their birthdays he stopped by the party with my brother .. like any good sister, I let him play beer pong .. relax he just drank mountain dew ! but now he will be somewhat prepared for what the future holds !
See, Mountain Dew !
All in all my brother Jack is an amazing young man && I would never even consider trading him for anything else in the entire world ! I love having him call me at 1 am during the summer, because he knows that I will be up too ! Just to talk, even though I saw him today. Or when he calls me to remind me that he has a game, "But,Kaiti you don't have to come to these." I love him so much and would so absolutely anything just for him.
**.. Jason's 24th Birthday ..**
Today is Jason's 24th birthday! He had drill this weekend and there was a conflict with going out next weekend :( So, we went to dinner last night at Smokey Bones and then Jason went out to a local bar with his friends. I won't get into that. This was us before dinner. We never go out and get "dressed up" so this was fun for us!
This was our dessert .. YUM !
And these are the cutest shoes ! I am in LOVE !
Jason and I planned our trip to Chicago a couple weeks ago and we are leaving this week! We are taking the train and we are pretty excited about that alone. We know we want to go to museums and The Navy Pier, etc... I have been to Chicago several times (mostly when I was younger). What is your favorite thing in Chicago that we shouldn't miss out on ?!
**.. Silly Thoughts Saturday 2 ..**
Week 2 of Silly Thoughts Saturday, get excited!
Why do we sometimes say that we are in a pickle or jam when we are in a sticky situation? Wouldn't being in peanut butter be a better comparison?
- One of the great questions in life.
When people spill anything on themselves why do they always treat it like acid?
- I thought this was funny but then I thought we act that way because what we spill is usually very hot or very cold. So it really makes sense.
Why do we say 'Oh I knew that' when someone informs us of something we didn't know before?
- I am so guilty of doing this, I hate looking dumb. Which this probably doesn't make me look any better but I feel like it helps!
Why do some people have to 'shudder' to think? Does thinking make you cold?
- Again, SO guilty of doing this and thinking about it makes me think of Dane Cook. The one with the accident when everyone is outside and its the middle of summer but everyone is 'shuddering' when talking to one another.
Why as humans, when we see a flock of birds go over head, do we look up at them with an open mouth?
- Who hasn't done this ?!
Hope this made you laugh .. Have a good weekend!
Why do we sometimes say that we are in a pickle or jam when we are in a sticky situation? Wouldn't being in peanut butter be a better comparison?
- One of the great questions in life.
When people spill anything on themselves why do they always treat it like acid?
- I thought this was funny but then I thought we act that way because what we spill is usually very hot or very cold. So it really makes sense.
Why do we say 'Oh I knew that' when someone informs us of something we didn't know before?
- I am so guilty of doing this, I hate looking dumb. Which this probably doesn't make me look any better but I feel like it helps!
Why do some people have to 'shudder' to think? Does thinking make you cold?
- Again, SO guilty of doing this and thinking about it makes me think of Dane Cook. The one with the accident when everyone is outside and its the middle of summer but everyone is 'shuddering' when talking to one another.
Why as humans, when we see a flock of birds go over head, do we look up at them with an open mouth?
- Who hasn't done this ?!
Hope this made you laugh .. Have a good weekend!
**.. tanning ..**
Today I went tanning for the first time in over a year (in a tanning bed). When I tan in the sun I always wear sunscreen, I am so afraid of getting skin cancer. I was talking to my mom the other day about how great vitamin D is for us and since it hasn't been very sunny here I thought some artificial sun might help a bit. I plan on going every other day for 10 - 15 minutes. Hopefully I don't get addicted!
Do you tan in a tanning bed? How long? How often?
Do you tan in a tanning bed? How long? How often?
**.. the abc's of me ..**
So. I found this on Lauren's blog and I loved it and now I am 'stealing' it!
(A) Age: 22
(B) Bed Size: Queen
(C) Chore You Hate: Sweeping at the house I clean because they have new carpet and one of those 2 part vacuums where you have to pull it, it's so hard to sweep there. I'd rather clean toilets.
(D) Dogs? One, Miss Raven
(E) Essential Start Your Day Item: I always have to wash my face and brush my teeth. It helps to wake me up too.
(F) Favorite Color: Purple
(G) Gold or Silver? Silver
(H) Height: 5'8
(I) Instruments You Play: I do know how to play the recorder but it stops there.
(J) Job Title: Waitress to ungrateful people / gym teacher / student
(K) Kids: Zero
(L) Live: Indiana
(M) Mom's Name: Marilyn
(N) Nicknames: Kaiti from most and Jason calls me Thine Bumpus and some other random things I can't recall right now.
(N) Nicknames: Kaiti from most and Jason calls me Thine Bumpus and some other random things I can't recall right now.
(O) Overnight Hospital Stays? I spent 12 days in the hospital when I was a sophomore in high school from a collapsed lung. (7 days in ICU and 5 days in a pediatrics room because I was only 15)
(P) Pet Peeve: Unfortunately quite a few; spelling mistakes (but I suck at grammar .. ironic), when people are rude and common sense things (that people don't know).
(Q) Quote from a Movie: Too many to count
(R) Right or Left Handed? Right
(S) Siblings: A sister Alexandria and a brother Jack
(T) Time You Wake Up? I always sleep til like 11 because I am up so late. Insomnia is a bitch.
(U) Underwear: I hate underwear lines, so I wear thongs.
(V) Vegetable You Dislike: Olives
(V) Vegetable You Dislike: Olives
(W) What Makes You Run Late: My desire to sleep late (if it's a morning thing) and my boyfriend. I never used to be late anywhere and all of the sudden I am (not always) but I blame it on him.
(X) X-Rays You've Had Done: Quite a few on my back/chest (everyday I was in the hospital I got x-rays) and some other times I am sure.
(Y) Yummy Food You Make: Tuna Noodle Casserole
(Z) Zoo, Favorite Animal: Not a big zoo person but I really like deer and tigers. HATE birds; they scare me!
**.. survey answers ..**
1) Asia
2) blue six point star
3) true
4) Jerusalem
5) mediterranean sea
Thank you Karen for responding ! I appreciate it ! :)
2) blue six point star
3) true
4) Jerusalem
5) mediterranean sea
Thank you Karen for responding ! I appreciate it ! :)
**.. survey ..**
This is a survey for a presentation about Israel. I would love for you to comment and answer. I'll list the right answers later or tomorrow. Thanks so much for your help!
1) What continent is Israel located on?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. South America
D. Africa
2) what is in the middle of the Israeli flag?
A. Red cross
B. Red circle
C. Blue six point star
D. White moon and star
3. T or F : Israel has 2 official languages
4. Which is the capital of israel?
A. Ashdod
B. Jerusalem
C. Tel-avid
D. Haifa
5. Which middle eastern sea borders Israel?
A. Mediterranean sea
B. Red sea
C. Black sea
D. Caspian sea
1) What continent is Israel located on?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. South America
D. Africa
2) what is in the middle of the Israeli flag?
A. Red cross
B. Red circle
C. Blue six point star
D. White moon and star
3. T or F : Israel has 2 official languages
4. Which is the capital of israel?
A. Ashdod
B. Jerusalem
C. Tel-avid
D. Haifa
5. Which middle eastern sea borders Israel?
A. Mediterranean sea
B. Red sea
C. Black sea
D. Caspian sea
**.. 2 years ago today ..**
Two years ago today one of the greatest men ever was taken away to be with his wife, my grandma and one of the greatest women ever. Gosh I feel like it's been so much longer than that and I don't know why, because at the same time I feel like it was JUST yesterday. I think about both of them often and I would give anything to spend just one more day with them. I wrote this post two months after he passed away on my old blog and I would like to share it with you again today.

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2009
Grandpa Jim **
About 2 months ago, on Wednesday February 25th, around midnight, my grandpa Jim (my mom's dad) was taken to Lutheran Hospital by an ambulance.
The following day, I received a call from my dad .. telling me what had happened the night before and that my grandpa was not doing so great .. I may want to come up that day and see him. I told my dad that I would be there after classes that day, I had an accounting test that I needed to take.
Around 3:00 my sister Alex called me. She informed me that grandpa Jim was doing worse and she was headed up to see him right then. So, I met her at Lutheran (and had my friend Angie tell my professor that I would not be there for the test).
We got there at the same time and walked into a completely somber room .. together.
In the room was my mom (daughter), dad, aunt Lisa (daughter), aunt Karen (daughter), uncle Eric, aunt Roselyn, uncle Jim(son), and uncle Tone (son). My aunt Amy was in the hallway, we had passed her on our way in, she was on the phone with my aunt Deb (daughter), in Texas.
My grandpa just laid in the hospital bed, he could no longer speak and barely moved at all.
After being there for a little while .. (not sure of times, it is still a big blur) and nurses coming in and out checking his vitals .. my grandpa opened his eyes .. which he had not done yet .. and began shaking ..
Now, I had never seen a seizure before, but I was pretty sure that's what was happening (it was). We got a nurse to come in and she put something in his IV to prevent him from having any more seizures.
Let me tell you, I come from a fairly strong family.
I have only seen my mom cry, maybe 3 times in my whole life. And one of those times was when her mother, Ruth, passed from colon cancer .. more about that some other day. My dad has been coming and going overseas with the Air National Guard, since 2 weeks after I was born and even before they were married, and she never shows/showed any negative emotion. Same with the rest of my family, the only time I have seen them sad was when my grandma Ruth, their mom, passed.
And there was not a dry eye in the room.
Before my sister and I left that night, around 9:00, we both went up to my grandpa and held his hands. They were incredibly warm, actually they were incredibly hot. But we sat there and took turns talking to him and trying ease the tension and moods for my mom and her sisters. (Everyone else had either gone home to be with their children or went to get something to eat at the cafeteria). We both said good bye and kissed him good night on the forehead.
This was the 26th of February and my lease was up on the 28th. So, I was in the process of moving all my things over these couple days.
On Friday, the 27th, I went up to the hospital around noon. I was there for about 3 or 4 hours and I told everyone I would be back later that evening, I had some moving to get done. I kissed my grandpa Jim on the forehead and said good bye. Then took a load of my stuff to my new house, went back to my apartment and filled my car up again.
On my way over to my house again, at 7:15, I got the worst call of my life. It was my brother Jack ..
Jack: Kaiti, grandpa's dying, I got to go.
Me: Wait, what?
Jack: He's dying right now, we are on the way to the hospital.
Me: Okay, I will meet you there.
I took off like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction, to Lutheran Hospital. Of course, I got stuck behind slow drivers, but everything happens for a reason.
I called my Alex immediately and let her know what was going on (she was at Austin's, her boyfriends last basketball game). She asked me if she should come up, I told her it was up to her. He would probably already be gone by the time she made it out there and she didn't want to see him how we had the day before.
I got to the hospital and ran up to the room. And there stood my mom, hunched over the hospital bed, staring at him and crying, and saying that it was not fair.
(My mom had been at the hospital since Wednesday night and had left at 6:30 to go home and shower, change her clothes and come back up for the night and next however long. All her sisters and brothers had taken their turns going home and doing the same. Granite my uncle Jim was at his sons basketball game, but everyone else was there when he passed. She got the call not 2 seconds after she got home, walked in the door and put her purse down. My dad had lit candles for her and drew her a hot bath, so she could hopefully relax and take her mind off things for a bit. So they blew the candles out and took off, back to the hospital.)
Jack was the only one there who was younger than me, and Jessica was the only other grand kid up there at the time. She is 3 years older than me. The rest was my aunts and uncles, my aunt Deb was on the phone.
We all just sat there in disbelief, most of us cried. My dad tried to ease the tension, by talking about what a wonderful person my grandpa Jim was.
It was quite possibly one of the worst nights of my life.
So, today marks 2 months, since he has been gone, and I still feel like I am in a horrible dream, that will not stop.
I think about him every single day and usually cry about the memories a couple times a week. People say I just need to accept it and move on, but I am not sure just how I am supposed to do that.
My grandpa Jim, was one of the strongest people I knew. And with that, we were are not a family to ever really hug or say I love you. But when I went to see him I always gave him a hug good bye and very seldom said I love you.
I sent him cards, on every holiday, baked him desserts, and spent as much time with him as I could .. whenever I did not have something 'better' to do. And let me tell you that is not easy to type, but it is the truth. I regret nothing more then being too 'busy' to go spend time with him.
I love you grandpa .. and I will never forget you .. ever.
The picture is kind of blurry but this was a good picture of us :)
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