This is a survey for a presentation about Israel. I would love for you to comment and answer. I'll list the right answers later or tomorrow. Thanks so much for your help!
1) What continent is Israel located on?
A. Asia
B. Europe
C. South America
D. Africa
2) what is in the middle of the Israeli flag?
A. Red cross
B. Red circle
C. Blue six point star
D. White moon and star
3. T or F : Israel has 2 official languages
4. Which is the capital of israel?
A. Ashdod
B. Jerusalem
C. Tel-avid
D. Haifa
5. Which middle eastern sea borders Israel?
A. Mediterranean sea
B. Red sea
C. Black sea
D. Caspian sea
**.. 2 years ago today ..**
Two years ago today one of the greatest men ever was taken away to be with his wife, my grandma and one of the greatest women ever. Gosh I feel like it's been so much longer than that and I don't know why, because at the same time I feel like it was JUST yesterday. I think about both of them often and I would give anything to spend just one more day with them. I wrote this post two months after he passed away on my old blog and I would like to share it with you again today.

MONDAY, APRIL 27, 2009
Grandpa Jim **
About 2 months ago, on Wednesday February 25th, around midnight, my grandpa Jim (my mom's dad) was taken to Lutheran Hospital by an ambulance.
The following day, I received a call from my dad .. telling me what had happened the night before and that my grandpa was not doing so great .. I may want to come up that day and see him. I told my dad that I would be there after classes that day, I had an accounting test that I needed to take.
Around 3:00 my sister Alex called me. She informed me that grandpa Jim was doing worse and she was headed up to see him right then. So, I met her at Lutheran (and had my friend Angie tell my professor that I would not be there for the test).
We got there at the same time and walked into a completely somber room .. together.
In the room was my mom (daughter), dad, aunt Lisa (daughter), aunt Karen (daughter), uncle Eric, aunt Roselyn, uncle Jim(son), and uncle Tone (son). My aunt Amy was in the hallway, we had passed her on our way in, she was on the phone with my aunt Deb (daughter), in Texas.
My grandpa just laid in the hospital bed, he could no longer speak and barely moved at all.
After being there for a little while .. (not sure of times, it is still a big blur) and nurses coming in and out checking his vitals .. my grandpa opened his eyes .. which he had not done yet .. and began shaking ..
Now, I had never seen a seizure before, but I was pretty sure that's what was happening (it was). We got a nurse to come in and she put something in his IV to prevent him from having any more seizures.
Let me tell you, I come from a fairly strong family.
I have only seen my mom cry, maybe 3 times in my whole life. And one of those times was when her mother, Ruth, passed from colon cancer .. more about that some other day. My dad has been coming and going overseas with the Air National Guard, since 2 weeks after I was born and even before they were married, and she never shows/showed any negative emotion. Same with the rest of my family, the only time I have seen them sad was when my grandma Ruth, their mom, passed.
And there was not a dry eye in the room.
Before my sister and I left that night, around 9:00, we both went up to my grandpa and held his hands. They were incredibly warm, actually they were incredibly hot. But we sat there and took turns talking to him and trying ease the tension and moods for my mom and her sisters. (Everyone else had either gone home to be with their children or went to get something to eat at the cafeteria). We both said good bye and kissed him good night on the forehead.
This was the 26th of February and my lease was up on the 28th. So, I was in the process of moving all my things over these couple days.
On Friday, the 27th, I went up to the hospital around noon. I was there for about 3 or 4 hours and I told everyone I would be back later that evening, I had some moving to get done. I kissed my grandpa Jim on the forehead and said good bye. Then took a load of my stuff to my new house, went back to my apartment and filled my car up again.
On my way over to my house again, at 7:15, I got the worst call of my life. It was my brother Jack ..
Jack: Kaiti, grandpa's dying, I got to go.
Me: Wait, what?
Jack: He's dying right now, we are on the way to the hospital.
Me: Okay, I will meet you there.
I took off like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction, to Lutheran Hospital. Of course, I got stuck behind slow drivers, but everything happens for a reason.
I called my Alex immediately and let her know what was going on (she was at Austin's, her boyfriends last basketball game). She asked me if she should come up, I told her it was up to her. He would probably already be gone by the time she made it out there and she didn't want to see him how we had the day before.
I got to the hospital and ran up to the room. And there stood my mom, hunched over the hospital bed, staring at him and crying, and saying that it was not fair.
(My mom had been at the hospital since Wednesday night and had left at 6:30 to go home and shower, change her clothes and come back up for the night and next however long. All her sisters and brothers had taken their turns going home and doing the same. Granite my uncle Jim was at his sons basketball game, but everyone else was there when he passed. She got the call not 2 seconds after she got home, walked in the door and put her purse down. My dad had lit candles for her and drew her a hot bath, so she could hopefully relax and take her mind off things for a bit. So they blew the candles out and took off, back to the hospital.)
Jack was the only one there who was younger than me, and Jessica was the only other grand kid up there at the time. She is 3 years older than me. The rest was my aunts and uncles, my aunt Deb was on the phone.
We all just sat there in disbelief, most of us cried. My dad tried to ease the tension, by talking about what a wonderful person my grandpa Jim was.
It was quite possibly one of the worst nights of my life.
So, today marks 2 months, since he has been gone, and I still feel like I am in a horrible dream, that will not stop.
I think about him every single day and usually cry about the memories a couple times a week. People say I just need to accept it and move on, but I am not sure just how I am supposed to do that.
My grandpa Jim, was one of the strongest people I knew. And with that, we were are not a family to ever really hug or say I love you. But when I went to see him I always gave him a hug good bye and very seldom said I love you.
I sent him cards, on every holiday, baked him desserts, and spent as much time with him as I could .. whenever I did not have something 'better' to do. And let me tell you that is not easy to type, but it is the truth. I regret nothing more then being too 'busy' to go spend time with him.
I love you grandpa .. and I will never forget you .. ever.
The picture is kind of blurry but this was a good picture of us :)
**.. silly thoughts saturday ..**
I have come up with a weekly idea for Saturdays and it is 'Silly thoughts Saturday'. Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?! I am sure that many of you have heard these but if you are like me you laugh everytime anyway!
~ Why do people point at their wrist while asking for the time? I know where MY watch is where's yours? Do I point at my eyes when I ask you to look at something? Do I point at my crotch when I ask you where the bathroom is?
- I heard this when I was in grade school and it is my favorite by far!
~ Why do people always say 'drive carefully'? How are you supposed to drive? Recklessly?
- I think this is just a parent thing. My parents say it EVERY time I leave their house.
~ Why do we ask to 'borrow' a kleenex? Has anyone ever returned a kleenex they borrowed?
- You know you are guilty of asking this!
~ Why is it that when you point out the fact to two people that they resemble each other they both resent it?
- When I started dating Jason he said wow you and your mom are just alike and we both went, ugh. lol We love each other and looking at it now I can see where he finds us very similar but we like to think we are different.
~ Why do we say that things are always in the last place we looked? Who actually keeps looking for something after they've found it?
- This is another one I heard in grade school and I always thought wow, I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier!
. K .
**.. ideas ..**
I need to come up with something to blog about on a weekly basis.
Some people do lists, some do recipes, some do pictures, etc ...
I want to do something that brings readers to my blog if for no other reason than to view my 'weekly' post. Any thought, suggestions, opinions ?!
I would really love some input.
What do *YOU* like to read about ?!
**.. Abra's Etsy Shop ..**
Have you all met Abra?! Abra is the mom of two beaustiful little girls and she just recently started making skirts, headbands and hair clips. Which are all just absolutely aborable! I will give you a little peek of what she has in her Etsy shop. You can special order skirts in different sizes and patterns and they are sold at a great price!
So, do me a favor and stop by her cute shop and get something for your daughter or neice.
And have a great day!
**.. sick day ..**
You all read about my headaches, if you didn't you can do so at the link, this weekend. I went to bed last night around 130. I worked until 1130 by the time I got home and showered it was 1230. Then Jason and I watched Parenthood, a newer tv series that we are just in love with. If you haven't seen it yet, do yourself a favor and watch it. Anyway by the time I got to bed it was about 130 and to be honest I don't think that I slept at all. I was supposed to clean a house this morning and at 645 I was more than wide awake with a sore throat. I called the lady and her husband answered I apologized but said that I would not be able to clean today. I called my mom (she was at work) and she said to just sleep on the couch and rest. (I love my mom).
I was supposed to meet my group for a meeting about our presentation but I haven't moved. I skipped both of my classes and have watched tv all day. I am exhausted right now and looking forward to sleeping tonight. Most likely on the couch because apparently the bed isn't working for me.
I am really hoping that I get better soon. I have a test on Friday and a paper due on Sunday. I need to read for both. I tried a little bit ago but can't stay focused at all.
I was supposed to meet my group for a meeting about our presentation but I haven't moved. I skipped both of my classes and have watched tv all day. I am exhausted right now and looking forward to sleeping tonight. Most likely on the couch because apparently the bed isn't working for me.
I am really hoping that I get better soon. I have a test on Friday and a paper due on Sunday. I need to read for both. I tried a little bit ago but can't stay focused at all.
**.. vote please ..**
My friend Morgan, over at mamalovespapa on twitter and her blog, is having a giveaway! The giveaway is an ADORABLE headband! If you follow this link it will take you straight to the post. You will need to follow a link on her page to vote (only 2 clicks once you are at her page plus the one from here so ONLY 3 clicks). Feel free to follow her on twitter and follow her blog as well. Her kids are just adorable and she wears the cutest clothes! Her blog posts are fun and entertaining .. don't miss out!
**.. tweet tweet ..**
I found this idea through a Google link and it is to list some tweets that I have marked as favorites and explain why I chose them. I loved this idea because I don't “favorite” tweets often, only the ones that really stand out to me.
"Always give without remembering, and always receive without forgetting." ~ Brian Tracy
I honestly believe that this is a great way to live life. Never try to keep score of what you do for others and what you get in return.
“A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it'll annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.” ~ Unknown
Being a waitress can be extremely trying at times and I always try to think about this. Kill them with kindness!
“The most important thing that a father can do for his children is to love their mother.” ~ Theodore M. Hesburgh
My dad was the best at doing this. My parents hardly ever show affection to one another in front of us but they love each other through everything, even the really bad times.
“Never tell your problems to anyone...20% don't care and the other 80% are glad you have them.” ~ Unknown
When I got a new job this past fall my boss said, leave your troubles on the trouble tree. Everyone has his or her own problems and no one cares about yours.
Which I like to think is different in the blogging world. I try not to complain often in my blog but sometimes we just need to vent and the readers have the option to not read/listen to our problems.
“Don't let the sadness of your past and the fear of your future ruin the happiness of your present.” ~ Unknown
This is a rule to live by. It could not be truer.
It is hard to do but totally worth it.
“There are two rules for living in harmony.
#1) Don’t sweat the small stuff
#2) It’s all small stuff.”
~Wayne Dyer
We learned about this in my stress and wellness class this semester and it’s so true. Again it’s not always easy to follow but very beneficial to loving your life.
“In the alphabet "o" stands for opportunity, which is absent in 'yesterday', available once in 'Today' and thrice in 'Tomorrow'. Be positive!” ~ Unknown
Love, love, love this.
I hope you enjoy the quotes as much as I do.
Gives us something to think about.
**.. headaches ..**
I have always had an issue with headaches, technically they are neck aches. I always assume that they are stress induced and try to keep myself relatively calm. Not very easy though. On Wednesday this week I had one start so I took an ibuprofen and went on with my day. I hate taking pain meds so I always try to suffer through them. On Thursday it was still there so after my brothers basketball game we went to Wal-Mart and I got some extra strength Tylenol. I took one and we got in the hot tub. I took a shower then went to bed and I felt okay. Friday I had to teach and then work (waitress) very stressful day. My headache/neck ache was pretty bad so I took 1 Tylenol early in the day then one before bed. Over these days I would also heat and ice my neck and sit in my massage chair. Nothing seemed to really help.
Saturday was really bad for some reason. Jack had a game and I went to that. I took a Tylenol while I was there (close game, very tense). Then went to Wal-Mart with my dad, debating on whether or not to tell him about my dream, which I didn't and haven't yet. Came home and watched tv and just tried to relax. Jason came home and we decided to see 'Just Go With It' (very good we both loved it). Well we got there at the last minute and had to sit at the end in the very first row. Did not help my neck situation.
We came home and I couldn't take it anymore. Jason started to rub it and I just started bawling. I called my parents and asked what I should do, my dad said he had some pain pills from his headaches and I could take one of those and we could get in the hot tub. (He had called our family doctor and he said that's the same things he would have called in for me.) I had contemplated going to the emergency room but thought I was just freaking out. Maybe I should sleep on it and see how it goes in the morning. I couldn't go to my parents and I was even afraid to go to the er at that time because the thought of traveling made me nervous.
I called my doctor at home after my dad talked to him (best doctor ever) and he asked me some questions. Said it was probably just muscle spasms but he would call in a prescription for a muscle relaxor. He asked if I had taken anything and I said, "I have taken 3 Tylenol in the past 4 days." and he laughed at me. He said, "Kaitlin, you know you can take 8-10 of those a day." I said, "I know but I hate taking meds."
Jason went to Walgreens at 11 and got my prescription for me and a heat patch to stick on my neck. When he got home I took one and went to bed. He slept on the couch so I could have the whole bed (so nice!). I woke up this morning around 5 to a text from my mom at 4:17 am asking if I was awake. I was so tired I didn't text her back. Talked to her later today and she said I had a dream that I was crying so she called to check on me, how sweet is that?!
Jason called my mom this morning to say that I couldn't work and asked if she would let my boss know. They really helped me out a lot today. Jason talked to my parents last night because I was crying and then sleeping, he really helped a lot. He got up and went grocery shopping this morning then suggested we go out and see my family since my parents were gone last week. Very nice. We spent a couple hours out there and it was very relaxing.
Now I am sitting at home and I feel okay, kind of nervous that it will come back. If it comes back I am going to go get x-rays to see if I have something more serious wrong. Praying it goes away.
Saturday was really bad for some reason. Jack had a game and I went to that. I took a Tylenol while I was there (close game, very tense). Then went to Wal-Mart with my dad, debating on whether or not to tell him about my dream, which I didn't and haven't yet. Came home and watched tv and just tried to relax. Jason came home and we decided to see 'Just Go With It' (very good we both loved it). Well we got there at the last minute and had to sit at the end in the very first row. Did not help my neck situation.
We came home and I couldn't take it anymore. Jason started to rub it and I just started bawling. I called my parents and asked what I should do, my dad said he had some pain pills from his headaches and I could take one of those and we could get in the hot tub. (He had called our family doctor and he said that's the same things he would have called in for me.) I had contemplated going to the emergency room but thought I was just freaking out. Maybe I should sleep on it and see how it goes in the morning. I couldn't go to my parents and I was even afraid to go to the er at that time because the thought of traveling made me nervous.
I called my doctor at home after my dad talked to him (best doctor ever) and he asked me some questions. Said it was probably just muscle spasms but he would call in a prescription for a muscle relaxor. He asked if I had taken anything and I said, "I have taken 3 Tylenol in the past 4 days." and he laughed at me. He said, "Kaitlin, you know you can take 8-10 of those a day." I said, "I know but I hate taking meds."
Jason went to Walgreens at 11 and got my prescription for me and a heat patch to stick on my neck. When he got home I took one and went to bed. He slept on the couch so I could have the whole bed (so nice!). I woke up this morning around 5 to a text from my mom at 4:17 am asking if I was awake. I was so tired I didn't text her back. Talked to her later today and she said I had a dream that I was crying so she called to check on me, how sweet is that?!
Jason called my mom this morning to say that I couldn't work and asked if she would let my boss know. They really helped me out a lot today. Jason talked to my parents last night because I was crying and then sleeping, he really helped a lot. He got up and went grocery shopping this morning then suggested we go out and see my family since my parents were gone last week. Very nice. We spent a couple hours out there and it was very relaxing.
Now I am sitting at home and I feel okay, kind of nervous that it will come back. If it comes back I am going to go get x-rays to see if I have something more serious wrong. Praying it goes away.
**.. dreaming ..**
I woke up this morning sobbing, not something that happens everyday. Before I begin I should say that I have a horrible fear of losing my parents. Probably because of everything going on with my dad and this traumatic brain injury.
I was having a dream about my dad flying a jet. (He is in the Air Force but he is in avionics, not flying so that was kind of weird.) I was at a party and my dad was flying over the party doing all kinds of tricks. It was near the end so he made the wings of the jet go back and forth to say 'goodbye', the end. Then he flipped the jet upside down and flew across with it like that. Then out of nowhere it just crashed.
All of the sudden I was at the base and I took off running towards the accident. It seemed to be a drill weekend because there was a bunch of people there. These guys kept trying to hold me back and they said, "Kaitlin, this is not something that you want to see" and I kept saying, "Please I have to go, please let me go".
I finally get to the accident and my dad and the jet are gone and I am in a little room with all of his things. (My dad has a ton of things from his past, all kinds of neat treasures that have been passed down) In the room there was stuff from his racing days, important coins and just random things. I started ripping all of the pictures down and trying to take everything that I could. I knew that my dad was gone and I didn't want someone else to go through his things.
Then my dad was there and he started talking to me. He said things like, Kaiti it's going to be okay. I am fine and you guys will be fine. Don't spend time thinking about this you just need to move on with your life. These things aren't what's important but I want you all to have them. etc... Then my uncle appeared and he said it's crazy to think that all you have been through and a freak jet accident is what took you. we all sat there and agreed that is was weird. Then another one of my uncles appeared and he had letters that he had written to his kids and that his kids had written to him and he said, You know what Tony, we never had a relationship like you have with your kids. The things that you guys say to each other and the things you guys do together, we don't have those kinds of memories.
And I woke up in tears. I was rolling back and forth across my bed and I was sad.
My brother had a game this morning. When I got there I went over and told my mom my dream and I started crying again. She said, "Kaitlin, you should write that down. When I had the dream about my dad I didn't write it down and I couldn't tell anyone because it hurt so much and now I can't remember exactly what he said." (My mom has lost both of her parents in the past 5 years and she really struggled with it. She had a dream a few months ago where her dad came to her and said, "Mar, you have had time to grieve but it's time to move on. We don't want you to spend your life thinking and missing us. We are here and in a better place where we are both healthy and we love it.")
So I wrote it down and I cried again while typing it.
I was having a dream about my dad flying a jet. (He is in the Air Force but he is in avionics, not flying so that was kind of weird.) I was at a party and my dad was flying over the party doing all kinds of tricks. It was near the end so he made the wings of the jet go back and forth to say 'goodbye', the end. Then he flipped the jet upside down and flew across with it like that. Then out of nowhere it just crashed.
All of the sudden I was at the base and I took off running towards the accident. It seemed to be a drill weekend because there was a bunch of people there. These guys kept trying to hold me back and they said, "Kaitlin, this is not something that you want to see" and I kept saying, "Please I have to go, please let me go".
I finally get to the accident and my dad and the jet are gone and I am in a little room with all of his things. (My dad has a ton of things from his past, all kinds of neat treasures that have been passed down) In the room there was stuff from his racing days, important coins and just random things. I started ripping all of the pictures down and trying to take everything that I could. I knew that my dad was gone and I didn't want someone else to go through his things.
Then my dad was there and he started talking to me. He said things like, Kaiti it's going to be okay. I am fine and you guys will be fine. Don't spend time thinking about this you just need to move on with your life. These things aren't what's important but I want you all to have them. etc... Then my uncle appeared and he said it's crazy to think that all you have been through and a freak jet accident is what took you. we all sat there and agreed that is was weird. Then another one of my uncles appeared and he had letters that he had written to his kids and that his kids had written to him and he said, You know what Tony, we never had a relationship like you have with your kids. The things that you guys say to each other and the things you guys do together, we don't have those kinds of memories.
And I woke up in tears. I was rolling back and forth across my bed and I was sad.
My brother had a game this morning. When I got there I went over and told my mom my dream and I started crying again. She said, "Kaitlin, you should write that down. When I had the dream about my dad I didn't write it down and I couldn't tell anyone because it hurt so much and now I can't remember exactly what he said." (My mom has lost both of her parents in the past 5 years and she really struggled with it. She had a dream a few months ago where her dad came to her and said, "Mar, you have had time to grieve but it's time to move on. We don't want you to spend your life thinking and missing us. We are here and in a better place where we are both healthy and we love it.")
So I wrote it down and I cried again while typing it.
**.. Day 9 ..**
My parents came home today.
The tests are complete.
Now we patiently wait results.
I am not sure when those will be coming but they should be here soon.
Thanks to everyone for all of the prayers and nice things said.
We really appreciate it.
I will post more when I know what's going on.
I taught today from 12-3.
Then I worked from 4-10.
I am home now watching The Jersey Shore with Jason.
So tired.
Jack has a game in the morning.
Championship game.
Hopefully they win!
**.. day 8 ..**
Well today is the last day of testing. I texted my parents yesterday and they hadn't heard anything. Dad was in testing all day but no appointments for anyone to tell him anything, today will be the same. He is tired and ready to come home. Hopefully we will have *answers* soon after this weekend. I wish I had more to share, fingers crossed for next week!
Jack has his first tournament game tonight. Hopefully he gets to play (I don't like to brag, but it's not about myself so brag on. lol). Jack is a fairly good football and basketball player. Where he gets his talent from, none of us are really sure, but we LOVE it! This year they haven't gone up against many tough competitors so they basically let their 2nd string play all year. Which is nice for those kids but for the ones going off to high school next year, it was kind of a waste :/ Jack still has another year and hopefully they will play better teams then!
As for me, I have the sliding door open and it is a breezy 54*, I love it. Please don't go away nice weather!
Jack has his first tournament game tonight. Hopefully he gets to play (I don't like to brag, but it's not about myself so brag on. lol). Jack is a fairly good football and basketball player. Where he gets his talent from, none of us are really sure, but we LOVE it! This year they haven't gone up against many tough competitors so they basically let their 2nd string play all year. Which is nice for those kids but for the ones going off to high school next year, it was kind of a waste :/ Jack still has another year and hopefully they will play better teams then!
As for me, I have the sliding door open and it is a breezy 54*, I love it. Please don't go away nice weather!
** .. the reason for all of the *days*/ day 7 ..**
I wrote this post long ago when we were in the 'beginning' stages of the TBI process. This post is to help those of you following our story and praying to know better what it is you are praying for. Yes it has been nearly 5 years since the beginning and we are hopefully getting the answers we need this week. Thanks again for everyone praying.
A Post For My Dad **
In 2006 my dad was injured in Iraq, he was working on an f-16 and the wing came down and hit him on the top of the head. Which has since lead to horrible back and neck pain, brain issues, and some memory loss. In the beginning I didn't think that it was too bad, but over the past couple months he has been going to appointments to meet with a neurologist, a speech therapist, and a couple more that I don't remember. He has had multiple tests done, including an EEG, a CT scan, an MRI and several others. For the most part I am the one taking him to and from appointments, because my schedule is the least conflicting and easiest to switch around.
In July he went and spoke to a group of people at a church. After he left he was driving home and he began feeling very weird (he said it was like he spun around 100 times and then stood still). He pulled over, waited for it to stop then went home. When we were on our way to Las Vegas he had the same thing happen again while we were waiting in line to figure out whether we were going to make it on the flight or not. He turned gray and his eyes were very weird and he just acted really odd. We ended up not making it on that flight and we got switched to a different gate. Dad said that he would not be able to walk, so we got him a wheelchair and when we got to the new gate the lady that pushed him had him sign this thing, that was like signing for a package, and his hand could not grab the stylist. It seemed like he had just had a stroke. I was immediately freaking out, he called his speech therapist and she told him to go to the VA in Chicago, but our flight was in 20 minutes and he refused to go. So, we went to Vegas and everything was fine and dandy. He told me he has had one more incident since then and that was in the garage at their house.
If he doesn’t write things down, he simply forgets what it is that ne needs to do and sometimes even say. For example, if he’s trying to recall a recent event, he’ll try to describe it then just say, “oh yah know, whatever, it doesn’t matter.” He does this, like all the time. You may not think it sounds bad, or that I might be exaggerating, but I am not.
Last week I decided to make him a schedule with what everyone was would be doing for the next month, practices, games, work, school, and whatever else I thought he might need a reminder of.
On Monday, he emailed me, and I decided that now was the time to bring up how much worse I think he has gotten recently. I am too much of a chicken shit to talk to him in person, so email seemed like a reasonable idea. I told him that as I know things are so tough for him, things are getting tougher for us now too. He constantly asks us where we are going, what we are doing, etc. even if he just asked us 15 minutes ago, he forgets some things that quickly. Which is why I made the calendar, but I think that maybe this whole traumatic brain injury may be worse than any of us think.
So, I suggested to him that my whole family go visit his neurologist or speech therapist, someone who could help us better understand what’s going on and what else we can do to make things easier for him. I haven’t heard if he has gotten a response yet, but I am hoping that they can come up with something to help us out soon. I really wish they could just figure out what the hell it is that is wrong, and fix it.
However, that is not happening right now, no matter how hard we are trying. So, I guess right now, I am just asking for your prayers for my dad and patience for my family. I know that we don’t make it as easy as we should for him, but we have never had to deal with anything like this before.
**.. weekend review/ Day 6 ..**
This weekend I stayed at my parents since they were out of town. My sister came home from school, so we decided to have a weekend of games!
We made a pact to play an entire game of Monolpoly and we played until my brother mortgaged himself out and Alex and I owned nearly the same amount of places and just added up how much we had. She beat me by like $1000. It was fun and did not take forever!
Alex and her pooch Daphne
Playing Scategories .. basically our favorite game !
Alex went to dinner with her boyfriends family on Saturday night so Jack and I played Yahtzee .. notice I had 6 YAHTZEE's in one round and 4 two rounds later .. I haven't had that many in my entire Yahtzee playing days total ! I don't even know if that is technically allowed but we let it slide .. because it was AWESOME!
We played some card games, GOLF, 2-man euchure, war and speed. Didn't get pictures of everything and the ones I have are kind of blurry (camera phone).
Great, relaxing weekend!
Haven't heard anything today. I know he only had one appointment, tomorrow and Thursday are the all day appointments.
**.. Day 5 (Valentine's Day) ..**
Today is Saint Valentine's Day, I have never been a big fan but I don't really know why. I think I was afraid to buy into the whole Hallmark Holiday thing, which I do think is crazy. However I think it's a nice time to do something that people normally don't make time for, even if it's just dinner.
I had to teach today, my last Monday (wahoo). My first class was the start to my bad day and it just went downhill from there. Some students think that they are entitled to everything it makes me sick. I taught until 2 then came home and got my book bag and got to class at 3.
This weekend Jason heard that there was a man hiding in the entrance of our apartment buildings and pistol whipping people as they walked in, taking their keys, breaking into their apartment and robbing them. Needless to say I do not want to live here anymore but we still have 6 months on our lease. I call Jason when I get home and he comes out to walk me in. When he isn't here I am going to call the apartment security and have them walk me in and I carry mace but I'd really prefer to not have to use it!
I finally got out of class at 6 and was hoping that Jason was going to surprise me with dinner reservations or a date of some sort. Not so much. I got home and he was laying on the couch studying. I had a horrible day and was looking forward to a nice night out and nothing was planned. I went to take a shower and just started crying. I am just worn out. School is intense, teaching is tough, work is work and not knowing much about my dad is frustrating.
When I got out I put on sweats and he told me to get ready. I told him that if we didn't have reservations we wouldn't be able to get into most places and the wait in the rest would be crazy. He didn't believe me, so he called 6 or 7 restaurants before giving up. We ordered Chinese in. It wasn't great but it worked.
He did send me flowers to the school I teach at on Friday which was very nice.
I got cards for my brother, sister, mom and dad, my grandma, Jason's mom and dad, his grandma and his sister and brother in law. I had pictures from the holidays that I sent with them as well.
His mom and sister called today to say thanks.
If I am good at one thing it is sending out holiday cards and thank you notes.
Dad had one test today but I am not supposed to say anything yet. He still has multiple doctors to meet with. Still praying!
Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!
**.. Day 4 ..**
Last night we went to get stuff for Alex to make cupcakes and I woke up this morning to the smell of freshly baked cupcakes! Jack had another game today, they won 41-30. After his game I had to go straight to work. We were pretty busy, I made $125, much needed. I have to teach tomorrow, I told the school I can't teach on Mondays anymore because I am getting behind this semester. :/ I will still teach on Friday's though.
Dad and mom went to the River Walk today, it was 75*. It got up to 43* here felt like a heat wave. People were walking around in t-shirts and light jackets, glorious! Tomorrow dad goes back to testing and appointments. I was glad that they were able to have a nice time today after dads bad headache all day yesterday.
Tonight when I got home from work Jack and I got in the hot tub. Then played some card games and cleaned up. Now he is laying on the floor and we are watching tv before we go to bed. It's already after 1 .. we will both be dragging ass tomorrow. :/
Thanks for your prayers and please keep them coming!
**.. Day 3 ..**
Today my brother had a game at 9 am. Way before I am usually up but I made it! (I did take a nap afterwards though:/) The other team only had 6 players and they weren't a great team. We won 28-16. Then Jack and I went to see Alex at work and ate breakfast. Came home, I took a nap and Jack watched basketball. We went to church at 5. Not very happy with the homily and Gospel reading. (Whole other story).
Alex went on a carriage ride and to dinner with her boyfriends family. So Jack and I came home and played games. Basically all night.
Dad didn't have any tests today but laid in bed all day with a horrible headache. They are hoping to make it to the River Walk tomorrow.
Please keep praying
Alex went on a carriage ride and to dinner with her boyfriends family. So Jack and I came home and played games. Basically all night.
Dad didn't have any tests today but laid in bed all day with a horrible headache. They are hoping to make it to the River Walk tomorrow.
Please keep praying
**.. Day 2 ..**
My parents arrived in San Antonio, Texas yesterday afternoon. They are there to begin some 'serious' testing on my dad and his traumtic brain injury. This will be the deciding factor on whether or not he is allowed to stay in the Air National Guard. Hopefully they get all the answers they need from this week or so of testing. Today he only had one test and of course they don't know anything yet.
While they are gone I am staying with my brother for a couple days then he will be staying at our cousins next week. Our sister Alexandria is on her way home from college for the weekend so we plan on staying up and playing some board games tonight! She has to work tomorrow so it won't be a late night. Tonight is the 8th grade Carnival, at the school I teach at, to raise money for their trip to Chicago. Since I am taking Jack I will just stay (it's only for two hours).
I will keep you updated on the week of tests. Please pray for him and the people performing the tests as well.
While they are gone I am staying with my brother for a couple days then he will be staying at our cousins next week. Our sister Alexandria is on her way home from college for the weekend so we plan on staying up and playing some board games tonight! She has to work tomorrow so it won't be a late night. Tonight is the 8th grade Carnival, at the school I teach at, to raise money for their trip to Chicago. Since I am taking Jack I will just stay (it's only for two hours).
I will keep you updated on the week of tests. Please pray for him and the people performing the tests as well.
**.. a little help ..**
From today until next Friday is a huge week for my family.
Please please please keep us in your prayers ..
I will post more about it tonight or tomorrow.
**.. taxes ..**
Today I skipped my second class to go get my taxes done at H&R Block. Jason went a couple weeks ago and suggested this lady, with 41 years of eperience, to me. (That's almost as old as my parents but who's keeping track!) She was very nice and helpful. There is some thing for college students where you can get up to $2500 back. The catch is that you have to pay extra to get it. I was only allowed to get $290 (from this school part) back and I decided to go ahead and do it BUT it cost me $140. I guess we take the good with the bad. I don't think it's fair to make us pay more for what is already ours though. Am I out of line ?!
**.. refund ..**
I am the child of a Disabled American Veteran. For that I recieve some money for schooling. This past semester we also found out that my dad can get the Post 9/11 GI Bill benefits and share them with us. Here is were the confussion begins. You cannot 'double dip' into both of them, you can only use one at a time and it goes by year instead of semester. You would think that a lady whose job is DEVOTED to taking care of this would know all of the aforementioned information and help a sister out.
I went into her office in October and asked what needed to be done. She filled out all of this paper work and submitted it. I said, "Shouldn't we wait until next semsester, becasue I have already paid my tuition this semester and it's just a waste to do it now." Her response, "Oh yah, that would be dumb to use it now." It was this whole thing that had to be called and cancelled. She said just e-mail me in December and I'll file it for next semester.
So I e-mailed her in early December (she has a habit to forget things so I e-mail her often). Well she filed them in the middle of Decmeber while I was still taking class for the fall semester. A week ago I got an e-mail saying that I owe $1908 for tuition and fees from the FALL semester. That had been over and done with since August.
To make things even better, I wrote an essay in the Fall for a scholarship and I got it. So now I am trying to find that money too. I had to go to my college and go back and forth between the financial-aid office, the Bursar office and the registar office. I knew what needed to be done but not one person handles all of it and for some reason they could not figure it all out.
I finally got a check and I think I should have gotten more but if everything else was settled correctly (fingers crossed) then I'll take it.
I went into her office in October and asked what needed to be done. She filled out all of this paper work and submitted it. I said, "Shouldn't we wait until next semsester, becasue I have already paid my tuition this semester and it's just a waste to do it now." Her response, "Oh yah, that would be dumb to use it now." It was this whole thing that had to be called and cancelled. She said just e-mail me in December and I'll file it for next semester.
So I e-mailed her in early December (she has a habit to forget things so I e-mail her often). Well she filed them in the middle of Decmeber while I was still taking class for the fall semester. A week ago I got an e-mail saying that I owe $1908 for tuition and fees from the FALL semester. That had been over and done with since August.
To make things even better, I wrote an essay in the Fall for a scholarship and I got it. So now I am trying to find that money too. I had to go to my college and go back and forth between the financial-aid office, the Bursar office and the registar office. I knew what needed to be done but not one person handles all of it and for some reason they could not figure it all out.
I finally got a check and I think I should have gotten more but if everything else was settled correctly (fingers crossed) then I'll take it.
** .. wings etc ..**
I used to work at a little place called Wings ETC ... last year for like 6 - 8 months. It (to me) is a less slutty form of HOOTERS and similar to Buffalo Wild Wings. I am not a huge wing eater, I like them and I think that they are good, but I don't really care whose are best. I enjoyed my job there for the most part, but the drama got to be a little too much for me and the money wasn't coming in like it needed to be. I got burnt out from being there all of the time and I quit. I left on good terms and haven't thought of going back, not even to eat, until tonight.
They give out a military discount which is 50% off the service members meal (awesome!). So we used to go quite often and had just quit. We went tonight and the service was horrible. There were a few new girls and some girls I had worked with. They were pretty busy when we got there but it's no excuse to leave a table sitting without being addressed for 10 -15 minutes. Finally a waitress came over and didn't even recognize me at first (my hair is quite a bit darker now) but we had talked a lot when I worked there and I loved her!
Finally our actual waitress (another girl I had worked with before) came over and said that she had just gotten a second DUI (she got the first one in June or July). So 2 in less than 8 months, I was dying. If she gets charged with it she will lose her job at Wings ETC ... If you can't be a waitress what kind of job can you get with a felony?!
All in all we had a good night, we went with another couple and got to chat quite a bit. We were there for nearly 3 hours all because they couldn't figure out who was supposed to wait on us, our food took forever and from the time we got done eating to when we got our bill was at least 45 minutes. Not exaggerating a bit.
Needless to say I am glad I don't work there anymore but i will probably go back and *hope* for better service!
They give out a military discount which is 50% off the service members meal (awesome!). So we used to go quite often and had just quit. We went tonight and the service was horrible. There were a few new girls and some girls I had worked with. They were pretty busy when we got there but it's no excuse to leave a table sitting without being addressed for 10 -15 minutes. Finally a waitress came over and didn't even recognize me at first (my hair is quite a bit darker now) but we had talked a lot when I worked there and I loved her!
Finally our actual waitress (another girl I had worked with before) came over and said that she had just gotten a second DUI (she got the first one in June or July). So 2 in less than 8 months, I was dying. If she gets charged with it she will lose her job at Wings ETC ... If you can't be a waitress what kind of job can you get with a felony?!
All in all we had a good night, we went with another couple and got to chat quite a bit. We were there for nearly 3 hours all because they couldn't figure out who was supposed to wait on us, our food took forever and from the time we got done eating to when we got our bill was at least 45 minutes. Not exaggerating a bit.
Needless to say I am glad I don't work there anymore but i will probably go back and *hope* for better service!
**.. super bowl '11 ..**
Well well well .. I finally chose the right team! A couple weeks ago I wrote about the super bowl and my mixed emotions on who I wanted to win. I am really happy for the Packers, they were my Fantasy Football Team (team name Bitch Please. lol) defense and they did pretty good for me this year!
I didn't get to watch much of the game, because I had to work. Which was sad. I missed out on the commercials and the half time show, but there is always next year!
And yay for Miss Morgan and her local peep, Aaron Rodgers :)
Bengals - superbowl 2012 contenders ! WHO DEY ?!
I didn't get to watch much of the game, because I had to work. Which was sad. I missed out on the commercials and the half time show, but there is always next year!
And yay for Miss Morgan and her local peep, Aaron Rodgers :)
Bengals - superbowl 2012 contenders ! WHO DEY ?!
**.. duct tape .. fixes .. everything ?! ..**
Jason and I flew to Washington state for Christmas. On our way home we boarded our plane to see the fan/light panel hanging down. It was early in the morning and we just wanted to go home so we didn't say anything. About two minutes before take off a flgiht attendent "just" noticed it. All 3 had passed multiple times and it was pretty ovbious. She asked us if we thought it was a problem and we said, it's fine. She said we'll duct tape it. Alrighty then, take me back to my high school redneck days, where duct tape fixes everything. She came back and did this.
Well .. we didn't think anything of it .. mostly because we were tired and didn't even care anymore at that point. Another flight attendant came to look over half way through the flight and changed the tape to this
The original duct tape had taped the oxygen panel shut. At that point I was dying. How did they not notice this in the first place? And how did they not make sure it was taped correcctly? We made it home safely and never said anything but the more I look at the pictures the more I think it should be brought to someone's attention. What would you do?
**.. 100,000 ..**
I knew I was getting close so I took a picture !
and I was worried that I would miss it
and I did :(
What a bummer ?!
I got this car with about 70,000 miles two years ago and I finally hit 100,000. I really want a new car, but I love my 2006 Grand Prix (that I paid for in cash! (I'm proud of myself!)) and she's been so good to me! So I'm sticking with it .. for now!
** .. tulips ..**
Last week a guy brought all of the waitress tulips and these were mine!
How pretty?!
Now when they started to die they stood up straight .. I've never noticed that before.
Is it something that just happens to tulips?!
I love my mason jar !
**.. snow day ..**
Jason and I both had the day off of school and work (NEVER happens)! We decided to take Raven out in the snow (we haven't had this much since we got her). She LOVED it!
Jason was rolling aorund with her.
Climbing on the huge snow mounds.
They both fell.
Looking at the ducks.
I wonder why they don't fly south?!
These ducks were huge!
No one was leaving today .. Level 1 snow emergency almsot all day.
The only picture I got of myself, hopefully my UGGs aren't ruined :/ and yes, I do own a Carhartt coat.
Water feature on the gilf course, snowed over.
We had a great, long, snowy journey!
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