
**.. superbowl 2011 ..**

Well as most of you know, I am a BENGALS fan and have been since I was born in 1988, back when they were good!  They have their decent years but for the most part not so much comes out of their season.  Therefore I always have to pick a team or two to cheer for in the playoffs.  I usually choose the Patriots, because they are my brothers favorite team ever.  I also like the Saints.

Well the Bengals didn't make it to the playoffs.
The Saints lost the first week.
The Patriots lost the second week.

So I had to pick another team to root for.

I chose the Bears and they LOST this week!

Now I want the Packers to win over the Steelers, but I'm afraid to say it.

I guess as long as the Colts are out I don't really care.  I have strongly disliked them forever.

So good luck to the Packers, ugh Steelers, I don't know how to go about this?!

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