
** .. it's friday .. **

Since my post yesterday was quite lengthy I opted for a short one today.

I taught gym today and came across the idea of becoming a substitute teacher!  I hear you only have to have a year or two of college done and I do.  I came home and got on the diocesan website for our area and they are currently only taking people with an education degree or a teaching license. (bummer)  I might try to apply anyway, because I know the school I teach at would call me if they needed someone.

Are you a substitue teacher?  Have you ever been a substitute teacher?  What are your thoughts, feelings and opinions on the matter?

Tonight we are having a surprise 74th (not 70 or 75 but 74. No time like the present I guess. lol) birthday party for my grandpa Harry.

That's all I have for today and if you are feeling like reading more please please read the post about my grandma Ruth that I wrote yesterday.  It was hard to write and took me 5 years to do.  (Not literally just 5 years to have the courage to do it.)

.Peace and Love.

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