
**.. frustrated ..**

There have been some times recently when I really neeeded the blogging world to lean on.  Whether it was my parents trip to San Antonio, the vote NO campaign, just some advice, a day that's really difficult for me or some blog lovin.  
I think I blog sometimes for the wrong reason, just to fill space or something to occupy my time and keep me from studying.  Then there are the times, mentioned before, when I could really use some help and I feel like no one is there.

What am I doing wrong ?! 

I try not to complain too much, I try to keep things light and fun to read with pictures and funny quotes, etc...

Any advice or is this another post that will go unread ?! 
I know that it shouldn't matter but who doesn't love to read a nice comment ?! To know that they are talking to someone other than themselves !? 


Aunt Jen said...

I said this same thing! And got no comments :) Someone said you shouldn't blog for comments...but sue me, I do :) I love you and sooo enjoy your blog! Keep it up!!

Gabriella said...

I guess this advice really isn't coming from someone who should be giving advice, as I've only been blogging for a mere two months, but I find commenting on other peoples blogs and really taking an interest in their life/blog a really important thing. When someone comments on my blog, I always try to comment back or at least visit their blog. It does take a lot of time, I know, but I read the other day, that someone (who now has a rather large following) left at least 10 comments on random blogs in her early days.

Also, give yourself some time and look at blogs you love. Try to find out, why you love them, write it down and then try and incorporate it on your own blog.

I hope this helped just a little :)

karen said...

Personally, I believe one must write to write for one's self, and not for an audience. It is as performers and others who get reviewed say ... never read your own press or you will lose the authenticity.

I love to look at the stats, or to see that someone has commented on my little blog, but that thrill feels a bit like an addictive thing, something I would chase at all costs if I allowed it to mean something. Instead, I write when I know I have something to say, and I comment when a piece of work touches my heart and inspires my fingers.

And, as I'm sure you've noticed, I'm chatty, so I am quite a commenter. ;-)

Jenni@Story of My Life said...

Hi you! Sorry it took me a couple days to get over here and leave a comment! Thanks for reading my blogging tips and tricks post the other day, and I hope you'll read the second and third parts, too, because I think you'll find them helpful! (the third part should go up tonight or tomorrow.)

So, ok, I'm going to give you a couple quick tips. For one thing, I think you should consider changing your font. It's a little difficult to read. I always think it looks best when posts themselves are written in one very easy to read font, and the text in the sidebar has a different very easy to read font. Just breaks it up a little bit! Also, you might consider hiring an inexpensive blog designer to redo your blog - that will just help it to stand out from the crowd! I had tips and a link on that in part one the other day. You might check out http://smittenblogdesigns.blogspot.com/ - they have REALLY cute blog templates for only 5$! I used one from there my first couple months of blogging.

Other than that, everything else I can think of is in my blogging tips posts, so I hope you find them helpful!! :)