
** .. wedding planner .. **

Last night at work I was talking to my girlfirend about her wedding in August of this year.  She has not picked out the invitations, save the dates, the menu, the decorations, the photographer, they have not had their engagement pictures taken and the list goes on.

I said, "Sam, why don't you let me help you out?"  She did not hesitate and said "Okay".

Well now I am kind of nervous!

I woke up today though and started in.  I have found a few save the date magnets and invitations similar to what she described.  She has chosen a florist and has an idea of the photographer but has not contacted him and I can't find him online :/ They booked the band and I believe the church and the venue.  So that helps quite a bit!

I took an event planning class this last semester and got an A!  Therefore I am pretty excited to see what I can do and hopefully she likes my ideas!  If you have any advice or suggestions please feel free to let me know.  Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

jess said...

That is so nice and sweet of you to help her out with her wedding planning! If her wedding is in Fort Wayne, here is a photographer that Matt and I want to use: http://colinthompsonphoto.com/

Have fun planning, even though it is your wedding (yet!)