
**.. bring on the snow ..**

It has been snowing all day and I love it.

As long as it stays and doesn't melt away tomorrow.  I wish that it would snow all night and all day tomorrow and so on.  We haven't had a really good snow in years.  I want college classes to be cancelled (which I have never had), I want school delays and closings for the school I teach at, and I want to be snowed in for a couple days too.

Is that too much to ask!?

If we have to suffer through these freezing temeratures for 4-7 months out of the year, I would like to have a really GREAT snow at some point.  Something that will be remembered like the blizzard of '78.

Is it really too much to ask for ?!

By the way this is why I plan on moving to the south at some point in my future.  I don't want to have this hatred for cold weather and be stuck living here forever.

What I really WANT is 75 - 85 degree weather all year!

1 comment:

Abra Clampitt said...

i'm with you, if it is going to be this cold, it must snow. we certainly have a lot right now. it's quite beautiful. but i'm also with you, i would much, much rather live some where warm year around. i always tease my husband that we should pack up and move. but in reality, i don't think i want to move that far from family. it's nice having them around with kids. ;)

happy wednesday, girl!