
.. job A or job B ..

I have worked at a restaurant (A) for 5 and 1/2 years, I have never called in sick or not shown up.  While I was in high school I worked all the time, during the summers they would offer to put in a bed upstairs, because I was working doubles or triples almost everyday.  I am a rather good employee if I do say so myself.  Now, I just got a job at another restaurant (B) about 2 months ago, towards the end of school and I had needed off a couple of times to study for exams or to catch up on homework.  If I couldn't find someone to cover my shift I was always there.  When I work I do more than my fair share of side work and what not.
So, I go into work last Saturday and the schedule was up for this week.  I am on for Friday night, well I have never worked a Friday night there. And I already picked up bartending that night at restaurant A.
I went to one of my managers right away and told them my situation and he said, "Find someone or you have to work."  I have asked everyone that I could, no one can or will.  I even asked that same manager because he picks up serving shifts every now and then for other waitresses, never for me though. I texted him again today and said, "I don't know what to do, can you please help me?"  He said, "Find someone or you will be written up."
Here's the deal though, if I really wanted to I could call my manager at restaurant A and he would find someone to cover me, because that's how this place works.  Everyone helps each other out and we are all money hungry!  However restaurant B is not that way, even a little bit.  When I needed off for my exams I texted my scheduling manager because that's how everyone rolls now, two weeks early and she didn't even say thanks for the heads up or anything.  
Now I am thinking that because he is being such an asshole, that I should just say that I can't work.  I mean, my goodness, here I am, a part-time employee and I am already scheduled at my other job. I am not just wanting to go out with my girl friends.  I will be WORKING at the place that scheduled me first and asked me BEFOREHAND because that's not a night I normally work.
What do you think I should do?  Work for the place that will most likely just fire me?  Or work for the place that could easily replace me, but I have been at for longer?  AND that I want to work at because they treat me with respect, most of the time :)


Marissa said...

It sounds like you've already made up your mind. Personally, I'd stick with restaurant (A). It seems like it has a much better work environment. You're already working a ton, so why add on more stress? It's not right that restaurant (B) is making you work a night that is not normal for your schedule, and still expects you to work, even though you are already required to work at your other job. I think that you would be a lot happier if you stayed with restaurant (A), but at the same time, it's your decision, so think of all the pros and cons of both and weigh your options. You know yourself and the situations better than anyone else, so go with your gut! I'm sure it will all work out. *hugs* :)

Anonymous said...

if you don't need job B, just quit and keep working job A. If you need job B, get someone at A to cover since they will do that, and then explain to job B that THIS time you got your other job covered, but they need to me more understanding going forward.

Morgan said...

I was wondering the same thing as anonymous....do you need job B? If not, I would definitely quit! A sounds way, way better! If you do, then I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. Not fun!

Lauren said...

I think I know what A is, and if I were you I think I would stay there. Overall it sounds like a better environment/people in comparison to the other.. and you probably enjoy yourself there more. Good luck love!