
**.. Day 2 ..**

My parents arrived in San Antonio, Texas yesterday afternoon.  They are there to begin some 'serious' testing on my dad and his traumtic brain injury.  This will be the deciding factor on whether or not he is allowed to stay in the Air National Guard.  Hopefully they get all the answers they need from this week or so of testing.  Today he only had one test and of course they don't know anything yet.

While they are gone I am staying with my brother for a couple days then he will be staying at our cousins next week.  Our sister Alexandria is on her way home from college for the weekend so we plan on staying up and playing some board games tonight!  She has to work tomorrow so it won't be a late night.  Tonight is the 8th grade Carnival, at the school I teach at, to raise money for their trip to Chicago.  Since I am taking Jack I will just stay (it's only for two hours).

I will keep you updated on the week of tests.  Please pray for him and the people performing the tests as well.


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