
**.. Day 5 (Valentine's Day) ..**

Today is Saint Valentine's Day, I have never been a big fan but I don't really know why.  I think I was afraid to buy into the whole Hallmark Holiday thing, which I do think is crazy.  However I think it's a nice time to do something that people normally don't make time for, even if it's just dinner.   

I had to teach today, my last Monday (wahoo).  My first class was the start to my bad day and it just went downhill from there.  Some students think that they are entitled to everything it makes me sick.  I taught until 2 then came home and got my book bag and got to class at 3.  

This weekend Jason heard that there was a man hiding in the entrance of our apartment buildings and pistol whipping people as they walked in, taking their keys, breaking into their apartment and robbing them.  Needless to say I do not want to live here anymore but we still have 6 months on our lease.  I call Jason when I get home and he comes out to walk me in.  When he isn't here I am going to call the apartment security and have them walk me in and I carry mace but I'd really prefer to not have to use it!  

I finally got out of class at 6 and was hoping that Jason was going to surprise me with dinner reservations or a date of some sort.  Not so much.  I got home and he was laying on the couch studying.  I had a horrible day and was looking forward to a nice night out and nothing was planned.  I went to take a shower and just started crying.  I am just worn out.  School is intense, teaching is tough, work is work and not knowing much about my dad is frustrating.  

When I got out I put on sweats and he told me to get ready.  I told him that if we didn't have reservations we wouldn't be able to get into most places and the wait in the rest would be crazy.  He didn't believe me, so he called 6 or 7 restaurants before giving up.  We ordered Chinese in.  It wasn't great but it worked.  

He did send me flowers to the school I teach at on Friday which was very nice.  

I got cards for my brother, sister, mom and dad, my grandma, Jason's mom and dad, his grandma and his sister and brother in law.  I had pictures from the holidays that I sent with them as well.    

His mom and sister called today to say thanks.  
If I am good at one thing it is sending out holiday cards and thank you notes.

Dad had one test today but I am not supposed to say anything yet.  He still has multiple doctors to meet with.  Still praying!

Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day!


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