
**.. silly thoughts saturday ..**

I have come up with a weekly idea for Saturdays and it is 'Silly thoughts Saturday'.  Who doesn't enjoy a good laugh?!  I am sure that many of you have heard these but if you are like me you laugh everytime anyway!   

~ Why do people point at their wrist while asking for the time? I know where MY watch is where's yours? Do I point at my eyes when I ask you to look at something?  Do I point at my crotch when I ask you where the bathroom is?
          - I heard this when I was in grade school and it is my favorite by far! 

~ Why do people always say 'drive carefully'? How are you supposed to drive? Recklessly?
          - I think this is just a parent thing.  My parents say it EVERY time I leave their house.  

~ Why do we ask to 'borrow' a kleenex? Has anyone ever returned a kleenex they borrowed? 
          - You know you are guilty of asking this! 

Why is it that when you point out the fact to two people that they resemble each other they both resent it?
           - When I started dating Jason he said wow you and your mom are just alike and we both went, ugh. lol  We love each other and looking at it now I can see where he finds us very similar but we like to think we are different.  

Why do we say that things are always in the last place we looked? Who actually keeps looking for something after they've found it?
          - This is another one I heard in grade school and I always thought wow, I can't believe I didn't think of this earlier! 

. K .

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Heh heh... these made me smile. Sooo true! And thanks for your sweet comment on my vlog post, Kaitlin! So far, no judgy people regarding my status as a housewife (lol), BUT I'm sure people think ugly things! I took off the option to comment anonymously a while back, mainly because of some ridiculously mean and stupid comments I was getting... when given the opportunity to be ugly and suffer no consequences, many people will take it!

Hope you're having a good weekend girl!! :)