
**.. Wednesday Highlights ..**

Today I had to clean a house at 10 am.  I got done around 12.  Went to Target where the cashier was RUDE.  I almost told her she could put all my stuff back, but I had found my dads birthday present.  All he wants it's a remote weather gauge and I found a great one, I think!   I had picked up some snacks for Jason to keep at work and surprised him!  I went and picked him up for lunch and we ate at Panera.  My FAVORITE place to eat!  It was delicous as usual.

I ran home and got my stuff for school.  Went to my two classes for today.  Then I headed out to BINGO!

My dad suggested it this week and I was super excited.  We always decide to split whatever we win.  He hit a $50 pot early on and the second to the last game I hit a $100 pot!  I blogged about our bingo-ing adventures earlier over here.  (Thank you Abra for teaching me how to do this!)

I took my dad home and then called my brother and we called my sister to talk about my dads birthday gifts.  She was going to bed so Jack and I called my grandma.  Had a nice chat.

Now Jason and I are watching some television (scrubs) before bed.

Hope you all had a great Wednesday! :)

1 comment:

Abra Clampitt said...

great job on bingo night! i have never played before, but now i want to! and glad to see you learned how to link. :)

and lastly, i love reading your comments on my blog. the one about the friends episode cracked me up. i think you would be such a fun person to have a real life convo with. :)