
**.. 55" of greatness ..**

Here is our tv project so far .. I am getting tired and wanted to keep you posted .. as I am sure you are all sitting by your computers waiting to hear what choice we made.  

It's a 55" Insignia.  We were iffy about the brand but Best Buy said it's their brand with LG parts and it was like $600 cheaper and they didn't have the other one in stock.  So we got it.  

First we had to take the other tv down (on the right).

Insane amount of cords ! 

We got it hung up .. only to find out it was too low and the stand wouldn't fit underneath.

So we took it down and fixed it .

Me too ! I couldn't believe I could (help) lift that tv .. it's huge !

When we hung it we found out we lowered it .. OMG we were dying ! I couldn't believe Jason didn't catch on to that .. normally he's all over that kind of stuff.

So we took it down again and fixed it to the correct length ! 

Well it's finally hung at the correct length and Jason is putting everything else together .. the surround sound, the xbox 360, the nintendo (original don't hate), the internet, etc .. and we are getting our cable back on Tuesday ! We are so excited ! 

I will post a better picture when everything is in it's new place.  We totally rearranged everything ! 

1 comment:

jess said...

The tv looks good, I love how y'all put it in the corner it doesn't take as much room up compared to it being in the middle of the room.